Multilingual UW-Madison

UW-Madison is a multilingual university!

With campus partners, the Language Institute has launched Multilingual UW-Madison, a communications campaign to highlight the linguistic diversity of our campus community and to combat harmful language ideologies and linguistic discrimination.

The campaign shares ways that languages intersect with the personal or professional identities of UW-Madison students, staff, and faculty, and the contributions that linguistically diverse members of the UW-Madison community make to the university’s education, research, and outreach missions.

To follow the Multilingual UW-Madison campaign, follow the Language Institute on Instagram (@uwlanguages) and Facebook (@uwmadisonlanguageinstitute) and search for the hashtag #multilingualuw.

If you are a bi/multilingual member of the UW-Madison community and would like us to consider featuring you in this campaign, please reach out to Lydia Odegard, Language Directions Specialist at the Language Institute, at