Will Coghill-Behrends, PhD, Clinical Associate Professor, Foreign Language and ESL Education, Department of Teaching and Learning, University of Iowa
3:30 pm central time, Thursday, November 5
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Description: Drawing on data from the narrative inquiry that this research is based upon, Dr. Coghill-Behrends will describe some of the unique challenges of inclusive teaching in the world language classroom.
About the discussant: Dr. Coghill-Behrends is a clinical associate professor of Foreign Language and ESL Education. He is the Co-Director of the Baker Teacher Leader Center where he focuses on Global Education Initiatives. As a former HS German Teacher will has always been interested in the ways World Language teachers make sense of the various identities students bring to the classroom and how teachers make space for those identities in the classroom and in the target language.
Delivery format: Zoom meeting
Contact: Jana Martin, Associate Director, Language Institute. Email Jana for access to a recording of the session.
If you need accommodations to participate in this event, contact Adolfo Carrillo Cabello at least three business days prior to the event.
Sponsors: University of Iowa, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Language Media Center; University of Michigan, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) Language Resource Center; University of Minnesota, College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Language Center; Michigan State University, Center for Language Teaching Advancement; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Language Institute