3:00-4:00 pm, Wednesday, July 29
Online via Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
Meg Malone, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Assessment, Research and Development, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Research Professor, Department of Linguistics, Georgetown University
Description: The interruption of most in-person learning caused by COVID-19 has presented both a challenge and an opportunity to language programs. Although many robust, distance opportunities for language learning already existed, the quick transition to online learning has resulted in new approaches to the curriculum.
Perhaps one of the most evergreen issues in language instruction and learning is that of assessment. Assessment provides an opportunity for instructors and students alike to reflect on their successes. However, sometimes the focus for assessment leans too heavily toward summative outcomes and less toward a way to communicate with learners. In this talk, I will present assessment (as opposed to testing) as a way to establish, build and improve relationships both between instructors and learners and among learners. We will also share your own approaches.
Sponsor: Language Institute