Student Hourly Employment Opportunity

As part of the grant-funded project, Exploring Full Learner Autonomy in Self-Instructional LCTL Learning,” Dr. Katrina Daly Thompson and Dr. Adeola Agoke, from the Department of African Cultural Studies, seek an undergraduate student hourly employee to assist with the project. Tasks will include downloading data from various online sources, ensuring its readability, uploading it to Box in an organized fashion, and occasional meetings with supervisors. Applicants must have good computer skills, including competence with web-based applications, Adobe Acrobat, OCR, and Box; strong organizational skills; and the ability to work independently. Work will take place over about 5 hours per week for the 2023-24 academic year, for a minimum of 100 hours and a maximum of 170 hours, at a rate of $17/hr.

To apply, please send a cover letter highlighting relevant skills and experience and a resume including contact information for at least two professional references to Dusty Johnson, Language Institute Administrative Specialist. We will begin interviewing applicants in mid-October and hope to hire someone by late-October.